UKPSC 2024 Prelims Test Series

UKPSC Upper Prelims 2024 Test series || Oracle IAS

Preparing for UKPSC preliminary exams can be a challenging task, but with the right test series, you can feel confident and well-prepared on exam day. Oracle IAS is proud to present our UKPSC Prelims Test Series 2024, a comprehensive package designed to help you ace your exams.

The test series includes 28 full-length and sectional tests, all of which are designed to cover the entire syllabus of the UKPSC preliminary exams. The tests are available online through our Learning Management System (LMS) for your convenience and flexibility.

In addition to the tests, the package also includes NCERT revision quizzes that have more than 10000 plus MCQs topic wise. These quizzes will help you revise and reinforce your knowledge, so you can be fully prepared for the exams.

Don’t let the stress of preparing for exams get in the way of your success. Order your UKPSC Prelims Test Series 2024, package today and take the first step towards achieving your goals. The package is online and you can access it anywhere, anytime and practice as per your convenience.

Features of UKPSC Prelims Test Series and Quizzes:


  • Mode: Online on our Learning Management Sysytem (Oracle IAS Classes)- Click Here
  • Enrolled student will get their personl login credentials.
  • All Test and Quizzes will be timed and detail solution is provided at the end.
  • Aspirants can go back and check the wrong questions for revision.
  • Flexiblity: You may give the test anytime, anywhere after it has become live.
  • Platform Agnostic: You may access it on any iOS/Android device – mobile phone/tablet/desktop.

UKPSC Prelims Test Series 2024:

  • The test series includes 28 tests: 20 Sectional & 8 Full Length.

UKPSC Prelims Test Series 2024 Schedule:

Start Date: 13 April 2024 (PS: These are the dates when the test will become live. You may give at your own convenience)

Test No. Test Category Test Syllabus Date 
1 Subject Specific History- Ancient India + Current Affairs + Miss. 13-Apr-24
2 Subject Specific Geography + Current Affairs + Miss. 14-Apr-24
3 Subject Specific Polity + Current Affairs + Miss. 20-Apr-24
4 Subject Specific History- Medieval India + Current Affairs + Miss. 21-Apr-24
5 Subject Specific Environment + Current Affairs + Miss. 27-Apr-24
6 Subject Specific Economics + Current Affairs + Miss. 28-Apr-24
7 Subject Specific History – Modern India + Current Affairs + Miss. 4-May-24
8 Subject Specific Uttarakhand GK + Current Affairs + Miss. 5-May-24
9 Subject Specific Science + Computer + Current Affairs + Miss. 11-May-24
10 Subject Specific Maths + Reasoning + Current Affairs + Miss. 12-May-24
11 Subject Specific History- Ancient India + Current Affairs + Miss. 18-May-24
12 Subject Specific Geography + Current Affairs + Miss. 19-May-24
13 Subject Specific Polity + Current Affairs + Miss. 25-May-24
14 Subject Specific History- Medieval India + Current Affairs + Miss. 26-May-24
15 Subject Specific Environment + Current Affairs + Miss. 1-Jun-24
16 Subject Specific Economics + Current Affairs + Miss. 2-Jun-24
17 Subject Specific History – Modern India + Current Affairs + Miss. 8-Jun-24
18 Subject Specific Uttarakhand GK + Current Affairs + Miss. 9-Jun-24
19 Subject Specific Science + Computer + Current Affairs + Miss. 15-Jun-24
20 Subject Specific Maths + Reasoning + Current Affairs + Miss. 16-Jun-24
21 Full Lenghth – Paper 1 Entire Syllabus 1-Jun-24
22 Full Lenghth – Paper 2 Entire Syllabus 2-Jun-24
23 Full Lenghth – Paper 1 Entire Syllabus 8-Jun-24
24 Full Lenghth – Paper 2 Entire Syllabus 9-Jun-24
25 Full Lenghth – Paper 1 Entire Syllabus 15-Jun-24
26 Full Lenghth – Paper 2 Entire Syllabus 16-Jun-24
27 Full Lenghth – Paper 1 Entire Syllabus 22-Jun-24
28 Full Lenghth – Paper 2 Entire Syllabus 23-Jun-24


NCERT Revision Quizzes for UKPSC Prelims 2024:

The NCERT Quizzes included in the UKPSC Prelims Test Series 2024 package are the perfect way to revise and reinforce your knowledge of the static portion of the exams. With more than 250 quizzes covering every subject from NCERT Class 6 to Class 12, this package is the best way to revise all the facts from NCERTs, as they are the major source for the static portion of any civil service exam, including UKPSC .

Each quiz contains between 30 to 100 questions, providing a comprehensive review of the material. The quizzes are designed to test your understanding of the concepts covered in the NCERTs, and will help you identify any areas where you may need to focus your studies.

Most of the quizzes are live

Day  Subject 1 Quiz Number  Topic Subject 2 Quiz Number Topic Subject 3 Quiz Number Topic
1 General Science (Physics) 1 Measurement/Unit Ancient History 1 Stone Age Indian Geography 55 Area
2 General Science (Physics) 2 Measuring Devices  &  Scales Ancient History 2  Indus Valley Civilization  &  Culture Indian Geography 56 Latitudinal Expansion
3 General Science (Physics) 3 Mechanics (Mass, Force, Acceleration, etc) Ancient History 3 Vedic Age Indian Geography 57 Tropic Of Cancer
4 General Science (Physics) 4 Motion Under Gravity Ancient History 4 Buddhism Indian Geography 58 St & ard Time
5 General Science (Physics) 5 Physical Properties of Materials Ancient History 5 Jain Religion Indian Geography 59 Extreme Points
6 General Science (Physics) 6 Thermodynamics Ancient History 6 Shaiva, Bhagavata Religion Indian Geography 60 Bordering Countries
7 General Science (Physics) 7 Wave Motion Ancient History 7 6th Century B.C : Political Condition Indian Geography 61 Natural Region of India
8 General Science (Physics) 8 Sound Ancient History 8 Greek Invasion Indian Geography 62 Northern Mountaneous Region
9 General Science (Physics) 9 Conductivity Ancient History 9 Maurya Dynasty Indian Geography 63 Mountain Ranges &  Hills of South & Central India
10 General Science (Physics) 10 Nuclear Physics Ancient History 10 Post-Mauryan Period Indian Geography 64 Mountain Peaks
11 General Science (Computers) 11 Computer & IT Ancient History 11 Gupta  &  Post-Gupta Period Indian Geography 65 Passes
12 General Science (Chemistry) 12 Atomic Structure Ancient History 12 Architecture In Ancient India Indian Geography 66 Snow Lines  &  Glaciers
13 General Science (Chemistry) 13 Chemical & Physical Transformation Ancient History 13 South India Indian Geography 67 Plateaus
14 General Science (Chemistry) 14 Inorganic Chemistry Ancient History 14 Ancient Literature  &  Litterateur Indian Geography 68 Coastal Regions
15 General Science (Chemistry) 15 Metals  &  Minerals Ancient History 15 Pre-Medieval Period Indian Geography 69 Isl & s
16 General Science (Chemistry) 16 Alloys Medieval History 16 Muslim Invasion Of India Indian Geography 70 States
17 General Science (Chemistry) 17 Carbon  &  its various forms Medieval History 17 Delhi Sultanate : Slave Dynasty Indian Geography 71 Union Territories
18 General Science (Chemistry) 18 Hydrogen  &  its compunds Medieval History 18 Khalji Dynasty Indian Geography 72 Species  &  Tribes
19 General Science (Chemistry) 19 Sulphur, Nitrogen, Halogen & Inert Gas Medieval History 19 Tughluq Dynasty Indian Geography 73 Languages
20 General Science (Chemistry) 20 Acid, Base  &  Salt Medieval History 20  Lodi Dynasty Indian Geography 74 Ganges Drainage System
21 General Science (Chemistry) 21 Hydrocarbon Medieval History 21 Vijayanagara Empire Indian Geography 75 Brahmaputra,Canals & Multi Purporse Project
22 General Science (Chemistry) 22 Alcohol Medieval History 22 Delhi Sultanate : Administration Indian Geography 76 South Indian Rivers
23 General Science (Chemistry) 23 Polymer Medieval History 23 Delhi Sultanate : Art  &  Architecture Indian Geography 77 Cities Located on the Bank
24 General Science (Chemistry) 24 Organic acid Medieval History 24 Delhi Sultanate : Literature Indian Geography 78 Waterfalls  &  Lakes
25 General Science (Chemistry) 25 Explosive Substance Medieval History 25 Delhi Sultanate : Miscellaneous Indian Geography 79 Other Rivers
26 General Science (Chemistry) 26 Food Preservation, Nutrition, Medicine Medieval History 26 Provincial Dynasty Of North India  &  Deccan Indian Geography 80 Monsoon  &  Rainfall, Natural Disasters
27 General Science (Chemistry) 27 Detergents Medieval History 27 Bhakti  &  Sufi Movement Indian Geography 81 Agriculture & Green revolution
28 General Science (Biology) 28 Fertilizers Medieval History 28 Mughal Dynasty : Babur Indian Geography 82 Pulses, Food & Cash Crops ,Oil Seeds
29 General Science (Biology) 29 Sub-divisions of Biology Medieval History 29 Humayun  &  Sher Shah Indian Geography 83 Animal Husb & ary
30 General Science (Biology) 30 Cell Medieval History 30 Akbar Indian Geography 84 Plantation Crops, Soil  &  Natural Vegetation
31 General Science (Biology) 31 Human Anatomy Medieval History 31 Jahangir Indian Geography 85 Mineral Resources
32 General Science (Biology) 32 Blood transport System Medieval History 32 Shah Jahan Indian Geography 86 Industry
33 General Science (Biology) 33 Digestion & Excretion Medieval History 33 Aurangzeb Indian Geography 87 Research Centres
34 General Science (Biology) 34 Photosynthesis Medieval History 34 Mughal Administration Indian Geography 88 Miscellaneous
35 General Science (Biology) 35 Vitamins & Nutrition Medieval History 35 Mughal Music  &  Paintings Environment & Ecology 1 Environment  &  Sustainable Development
36 General Science (Biology) 36 Endocrine Gl & s Medieval History 36 Mughal Literature Environment & Ecology 2 Ecology
37 General Science (Biology) 37 Physiology Medieval History 37 Mughal Period : Miscellaneous Environment & Ecology 3 Biodiversity
38 General Science (Biology) 38 Disease  &  Treatment Medieval History 38 Sikh Sect Environment & Ecology 4 Greenhouse Effect  &  Climate Change
39 General Science (Biology) 39 Biotech Medieval History 39 Maratha State  &  Confederacy Environment & Ecology 5 Ozone Layer & Pollutants
40 Geography 1 Universe Medieval History 40 Disintegration of the Mughal Empire Environment & Ecology 6 Forest  &  Forest Wildlife
41 Geography 2 Earth Modern History 41 Arrival of European Companies Environment & Ecology 7 Sanctuaries
42 Geography 3 Rocks Modern History 42 East India Company  &  Nawab of Bengal Environment & Ecology 8 Non-Conventional Energy
43 Geography 4 Volcano Modern History 43 Regional States : Punjab  &  Mysore Environment & Ecology 9 Water Conservation
44 Geography 5 Earthquake Modern History 44 Governor, Governor General  &  Viceroy Economics 1 Economics : An Introduction
45 Geography 6 Continents Modern History 45 Impact of British Rule on Indian Economy Economics 2 National Income
46 Geography 7 World Mountain Ranges Modern History 46 Revolution of 1857 Economics 3 Main Sectors of Indian Economy
47 Geography 8 Plateaus Modern History 47 Other Movements Economics 4 Budget
48 Geography 9 Valleys Modern History 48 Educational Development in Modern India Economics 5 Fiscal Policy, Inflation & Price Index
49 Geography 10 Deserts Modern History 49 Development of Press in Modern India Economics 6 Finance Commission & Public Finance
50 Geography 11 Grass Fields Modern History 50 Social  &  Religious Movement Economics 7 Security Market & Insurance, Stock Exchange
51 Geography 12 World’s Countries  &  their Borders Modern History 51 Political Institution Established before Congress Economics 8 Money  &  Banking
52 Geography 13 Dependent Territory Modern History 52 Indian National Congress Economics 9 LPG Reforms
53 Geography 14 L & -Locked Countries Modern History 53 Moderate Groups  &  Extremist Groups in Congress Economics 10 Foreign Exchange Market
54 Geography 15 Old Names of Countries Modern History 54 Revolutionary Movement in India Economics 11 Balance Of Payment
55 Geography 16  International Border Lines Modern History 55 Revolutionary Activities Outside India Economics 12 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
56 Geography 17 The Capitals of Countries Modern History 56 Partition of Bengal & the Indigenous Movement Economics 13 World Bank, WTO, BRICS
57 Geography 18 World Towns Modern History 57 Congress : Banaras, Calcutta  &  Surat Session Economics 14 Human Development , Poverty & Population
58 Geography 19 Geographical Nickname Modern History 58 Formation of Muslim League (1906) Economics 15 Employment  &  Public Welfare Schemes
59 Geography 20 Hydrosphere Modern History 59 Delhi Durbar  &  Change of Capital Polity 1 The Constitutional Development of India
60 Geography 21 Major Oceans of the World Modern History 60 G & hi  &  His Early Movements Polity 2 Articles &  Schedules
61 Geography 22 Oceanic Currents Modern History 61 Peasant Movement  &  Kisan Sabha Polity 3 The Governance System & Preamble
62 Geography 23 Salinity Modern History 62 Trade Union  &  Communist Party Polity 4 The National Emblem, Foreign Influence
63 Geography 24 High Tide, Low Tide Modern History 63 Rowlatt Act  &  Jallianwala Bagh Massacres (1919) Polity 5 Fundamental Rights
64 Geography 25 Oceanic Trench Modern History 64 Khilafat Movement Polity 6 Fundamental Duties & DPSP
65 Geography 26 Rivers of the World Modern History 65 Non-Co-operation Movement Polity 7 The Council of Ministers
66 Geography 27  Towns  &  Cities along the Bank of Rivers Modern History 66 Formation of Swaraj Party (1923) Polity 8 Lok Sabha
67 Geography 28 L & forms by River Modern History 67 Simon Commission (1927) Polity 9 Rajya Sabha
68 Geography 29 Isl & s Modern History 68 Lahore Session , Complete Independence (1929) Polity 10 The Parliament
69 Geography 30 Lakes  &  Waterfalls Modern History 69 Civil Disobedience Movement Polity 11 The Supreme Court
70 Geography 31 Straits Modern History 70 G & hi-Irwin Pact Polity 12 The Governor & State Legislature
71 Geography 32 Canals Modern History 71 Karachi Session of Congress (1931) Polity 13 The High Court
72 Geography 33 Dams Modern History 72 Round Table Conference Polity 14 Emergency Provisions
73 Geography 34 Coral Reefs Modern History 73 Communal Arbitration  &  Poona Pact Polity 15 Election Commission
74 Geography 35 Atmosphere Modern History 74 Congress Socialist Party (1934) Polity 16 Political Parties
75 Geography 36 Insolation Modern History 75 Provincial Election  &  Formation of Cabinet (1937) Polity 17 PRI
76 Geography 37 Cyclone Modern History 76 Tripuri Crisis of Congress (1939) Polity 18 Special Provision for Certain Class
77 Geography 38 Humidity Modern History 77 Indian Princely States Polity 19 Constitutional Amendment
78 Geography 39 Air Pressure Modern History 78 Second World War Polity 20 States & UTS, Citizenshp
79 Geography 40 Cloud Modern History 79 Dem &  for Pakistan Polity 21 President & Vice President
80 Geography 41 Winds Modern History 80 Individual Satyagraha (1940) Polity 22 Attorney General & CAG
81 Geography 42 Local Winds Modern History 81 Cripps Mission (1942) Polity 23 Centre- State Relation
82 Geography 43 Forests Modern History 82 Quit India Movement Polity 24 Finance Commission & other bodies
83 Geography 44 Climate Modern History 83 Subhash Ch & ra Bose  &  Azad Hind Fauj Polity 25 Temporary special provision & Miss.
84 Geography 45 Soil Modern History 84 Cabinet Mission Plan (1946) Geography 50 City & Industries
85 Geography 46 Races  &  Tribes Modern History 85 Constituent Assembly (1946) Geography 51 Transport
86 Geography 47 Languages Modern History 86 Formation of Interim Government (1946) Geography 52 Ports  &  Harbours
87 Geography 48 Agriculture Modern History 87 Partition of India  &  Independence Geography 53 Mapping
88 Geography 49 Minerals Modern History 88 Constitution Development of India Geography 54 Miscellaneous
89 General Awareness 1 Defence 
90 General Awareness 2 Scientist & Invention
91 General Awareness 3 Space & Satellite
92 General Awareness 4 Art & Culture 
93 General Awareness 5 Awards
94 General Awareness 6 Sports

Cost of Test Series program:

Total Cost After Discount (including GST)
Study Material  hard copy & Books + Test Series Rs 5000 Rs.3800 /-
Test Series + 2 UK Books Rs. 3000 Rs. 2200/-
Study Material hard copy  & Books only Rs. 3500 Rs. 2500/-
Test Series only  Rs. 2500 Rs 2000/-
Only 2 UK Oracle IAS Books for prelims Rs. 550 (including shipping)/-

Cost of the UKPCS Prelims Crash Course Programs:

  • Full Program Cost:
Class Lectures Only

(GS Paper 1+ CSAT + UK GS)

Test Series + NCERT Revision quizzes Only Study Material + Books

(Hard Copy to be shipped)

Total Cost After Discount (including GST)
Online Rs. 15000 Rs. 2000 Rs. 2200 Rs. 19200 Rs. 12000 /-
Offline  Rs. 15000 Rs. 2000 Rs. 2200 Rs. 19200 Rs. 14000 /-
  • Specific Module Cost
Class Lectures Only Study Material + Books Only Total Cost After Discount (including GST)
Uttarakhand Module 3500 900 Rs. 4400 Rs. 3500 /-
Paper 2 (CSAT Module) 3000 500 Rs. 3500 Rs. 3000 /-

Personal Mentoring :

    • Rs. 4999/- (Including GST)
      • Includes One-to-One: 30 min focused meeting(online/offline) with SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) on preparation every week. (Total 15-20 meetings for Pre exam).


(All the above prices are including GST and shipping cost)

UKPCS Past Papers prelimsUttarakhand 2024 prelims

For Sample UKPCS Prelims Study Material Click Here

About the faculties:

Hemant Bhatt : One of the founders of Oracle IAS, Mr. Bhatt is an engineer from College of Technology(Pantnagar) and has worked in Singapore before returning and writing 5 UPSC mains back to back and multiple interviews. He has also pursued postgraduate studies in Social Sciences from Sciences’Po, Paris.

Pawan Pandey : Pawan is a co-founder of Oracle IAS. An engineer by training, he has also served with the govt of India for a few years. He has written multiple UPSC and PCS mains and given multiple interviews at the Public Service Commissions.

Shekhar Chowdhary : Shekhar cleared many govt exams, including UPPCS 2014 (final selection) and after serving  few years with Govt of UP, is now currently an Assistant Professor at Kalinga University, Raipur. A national topper in NET exam, he is also pursuing PhD in Public Administration from Jindal University. He has written multiple UPSC mains.

Abhishek Pandey : Abhishek Pandey is a postgraduate in Political Science from Allahabad University and got selected in UPPCS 2020. He is currently posted in Gorakhpur. He has written multiple UPSC and PCS mains with Hindi optional.

Top UKPSC Books by Oracle IAS


Book Title Description Link
Uttarakhand Past Papers (MCQs) A treasure trove of past years’ questions conducted by Uttarakhand Public Service Commision (UKPSC) to sharpen your practice and refine your strategy. Click Here for details
Uttarakhand 2023 Get a grip on the latest developments and current affairs that matter for your UKPSC preparation. Click Here for details
A Concise History of Uttarakhand by Pawan Pandey Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Uttarakhand’s history, crafted by renowned author Pawan Pandey. Click Here for details
UKPSC Mains Solved Paper An indispensable guide with solved papers to give you the real feel of the UKPSC Mains exam pattern and expected questions. Click Here for details
Uttarakhand Simplified by Pawan Pandey (Upcoming Release) Simplify your learning curve with this soon-to-be-released gem, designed to give you a straightforward approach to the state’s complex topics.

For Uttarakhand Mains Paper 6 & Paper 7. 

Click Here for details

(will be updated)


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Hemant Bhatt