UKPCS Science: Electromagnetic radiation #16

Oracle IAS, the best coaching institute for UPSC/IAS/PCS preparation in Dehradun brings to you UKPCS Science (paper #6).

In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) refers to the waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating (radiating) through space carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-, and gamma radiation.



1) Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature as they propagate by varying the electric and magnetic fields such that the two fields are perpendicular to each other.

2) Accelerated charges are responsible to produce electromagnetic waves.

3) Electromagnetic waves have constant velocity in vacuum and it is nearly equal to 3×108ms−1 which is denoted by C = 1√μoϵo.

4) Electromagnetic wave propagation it does not require any material medium to travel.

5) The inherent characteristic of electromagnetic wave is its frequency. Their frequencies remain unchanged but its wavelength changes when the wave travels from one medium to another.

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