For those who have joined late may refer to the below-mentioned links for core physics, chemistry and life sciences. These posts are part of our UKPCS Science notes.
UKPCS Physics (click here)
UKPCS Chemistry (Click Here)
UKPCS Life Science (Click Here)
Value Addition UKPCS Mains : Uttarakhand Special (Click Here)
UKPCS Mains Study Material subject wise printed notes
The notes are strictly as per UKPCS syllabus (topic wise):
Individual Polity Cost: Rs. 1500/- (including shipping)
Individual S&T Cost: Rs. 1500/- (including shipping)
Individual Geography Cost: Rs. 1500/- (including shipping)
Individual Economics Cost: Rs. 1000/- (including shipping)
Individual Ethics Cost: Rs. 1000/- (including shipping)
Individual History Cost: Rs. 1500/- (including shipping)