UKPCS Science: Nuclear Fission #21

Oracle IAS, the best coaching institute for UPSC/IAS/PCS preparation in Dehradun brings to you UKPCS Science (paper #6).

Nuclear fission is the process in which a large nucleus splits into two smaller stable nuclei with the release of energy. In other words, fission the process in which a nucleus is divided into two or more fragments, and neutrons and energy are released.

Nuclear fission takes place in heavy elements. Nuclear chain reactions are series of nuclear fissions (splitting of atomic nuclei), each initiated by a neutron produced in a preceding fission.

Practical Applications of Nuclear FissionNuclear reactor is a furnace or an equipment in which thenuclear chain reaction is carried out in a controlled manner and the heat energy so liberated is converted into electricity. In a nuclear reactor Uranium and plutonium are used as fuels.

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