UKPCS science notes

UKPCS Mains Science notes sample PDF

Oracle IAS team has prepared UKPCS mains notes topic wise that would make your preparation more efficient and smooth. We provide you one stop solution for the entire UKPCS preparation journey. In this post we will provide you with sample UKPCS Science notes PDFs.

The book has been prepared strictly as per Uttarakhand Upper PCS Mains Science syllabus: topic wise.

Price: Rs. 1500 /- (including shipping)

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UKPCS science notes PDFs sample

UKPCS Science syllabus:

Physical & Chemical Science
Motion: Measurement of physical quantities and system of Units Linear motion, circular motion
and vibrational motion; force and laws of motion; Universal law of gravitation, gravity,
acceleration due to gravity, artificial satellites and their launching, Indian satellites and their
history. work power and energy; Concept of pressure, atmospheric and hydrostatic pressure and
their utility in daily life; surface tension; Mechanical waves- audible, infrasonic, and ultrasonic,
their main characteristics; Earth quake and its causes, epicenter, sesmic waves and their
transmission. Electromagnetic waves, their types and characteristics, X-rays, their type and utility
in human life.
Elementary idea of LASER, Holography, Radio activity, Nuclear Fission & Fusion, Electric
current, its chemical, thermal and magnetic effects; electric motor; electric generator and electric
transformer; electric power plant, Domestic power supply and safety for handling electricity;
Human eye, its defects, their causes and remedies; Microscope and telescope; Conductors,
semiconductors and insulators.
Energy: Non-renewable and renewable energy sources. Energies like solar, wind, biogas, biomass,
geothermal, tidal and other renewable energy; Introduction to solar appliances viz Solar cell, solar
cooker, water heater etc. Biogas- principle and process. Energy Scenario in India: Problems of
Energy Crises, Govt. Policies and programs for power generation. Nuclear Power Program,
Nuclear policy of India- salient features, Recent trends in nuclear policy such as NPT (Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT (comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). Thermal Power Program,
Hydroelectric Power program, Power distribution and National Grid. Agencies and Institutions
engaged in Energy security, Research and development.
Elementary idea of atomic structure; Types of elements and compounds; Physical and chemical
changes; Acids, bases, buffers and salts; pH scale; Properties and modern methods of purification
of drinking water; methods of production of washing soda; baking soda, bleaching powder and
plaster of paris; preparation of building materials – lime, cement, glass, aluminum and steel;
Preparation and properties of commonly used dyes, detergents, explosives, paints and varnishes;
Properties and applications of petroleum products; Methods of preparing alcohols (Methanol and
Ethanol); Polymers : Synthetic fibers (nylon and rayon), commodity plastics (polyethylene,
polystyrene and poly vinyl chloride), engineering plastics (ABS and poly carbonates) and rubbers
(polyisoprene and polybutadiene); Preliminary idea of medicine and its classification; Food
preservatives; Introduction to alkaloids (nicotine and cocaine), carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose
and cellulose) and steroids (cholesterol).
Space Technology: Space programme in India and its applications with special reference to
industrial, agriculture, telecommunication, television, education and Indian missile programme,
Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) and its application in weather
forecasting, Disaster warning, water, oil and mineral development, urban planning and rural
development activities; Introduction to Global Positioning System (GPS), and Indian Remote
Sensing (IRS) satellites system.
Life Science
Structure and function of animal cell and cell organelles;
Bio-Molecules; Introduction to basic functional aspects of mammalian systems- digestive,
circulatory, respiratory, nervous
, excretory, endocrine and reproductive. Blood groups.
Chromosomes, linkage, sex-linked inheritance and sex determination, DNA and RNA; Economic
zoology (Fish and fisheries, Apiculture, Sericulture, Vermiculture, Piggery, Poultry, Dairy etc.).
Domestic and wild animals, usefulness of animals for mankind; exploitation of animals by man as
food and medicine.
Plants and mankind, characteristics of plants, structure and function of plant cells and organelles;
Diseases of plants caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses, etc. and their prevention; Basic concepts of
ecosystem, food web and food chain; Economic Botany.
Biotechnology: Introduction of Biotechnology, its potential to improve human life and national
economy through agriculture (biofertilizers, biopesticides, biofuels, genetically modified crops),
industrial development and employment generation. Areas of application -pharmaceuticals, human
healthcare, food technology, energy generation etc., Efforts of government in promoting
biotechnology in the country. Ethical, social, legal and IPR (intellectual property rights) issues
related to biotechnological development.
Introduction and applications of genetic engineering and stem cell research. Use of nano technology
in the field of agriculture, animal husbandary (cloning and transgenic animals applications In Vitro
Fertilisation (IVF) and genetically modified organism etc.). Biotechnology in environmental clean
up process. Production of Hybrid seeds and their processing techniques, Bt cotton and Bt brinjal
etc. Tissue culture and molecular markers.
Microbial infections; Introduction to bacterial, viral, protozoan and fungal infections in human
beings. Basic knowledge of infections caused by different groups of micro organisms- diarrhoea,
dysentry, cholera, tuberculosis, dengue, malaria, scrub typhus, viral infections like HIV,
encephalitis, chikungunya, bird flu- preventive measure during outbreaks. Zoonotic diseases;
elementary knowledge of vaccines, Immunology basic concepts.
Computer, Information & Communication Technology and Cyber Security
Definition of digital computer, Elements of computer: Input unit, Output unit, Primary memory,
Secondary memory and Processing unit. Classifications, generations, applications and limitations
of digital computers.
Data, Data processing, business data processing, data storage, file management system and data
base management systems.
Software and application of PC software packages: Software definition, Type of software and its
value. Knowledge of Word processing, Spreadsheets and Power point presentation software
Basic element of Communication systems, data transmission mode, transmission media, network
topologies, network types, communication protocols, network security mechanism. Definition of
Internet, search tools, web browsers, e-mail and search engines. IT applications: E-cards, Eshopping, E-commerce.
Role of external state and Non-state actor’s in creating challenges to internal security, challenges to
Internal security through communication networks, Role of media and Social networking sites in
internal security challenges, Basics of cyber security, Role of biometric devices in security, IT Act
(2000), Security challenges in border areas linkages of organized crime with terrorism,
Management in border areas by various security forces/agencies.
Environmental Problems and Disaster Management
Types of pollution and their management; air, water, soil, sound/noise, radioactive and e-waste.
Industrial waste and its management. Impact of Solid Waste Management, recycling and reuse
Watershed Management, Watershed approach for sustainable development, Human role in
pollution control, Environment and human health; Effects of pollutants on animals and plants;
urbanisation and industrial development.
Global Environmental Issues like Green House Effect, Green House Gases and their mitigation.
Climate Change, Acid Rain, Global Warming, Ozone depletion, Biodiversity and its conservation,
Hotspots and threats to Biodiversity. The Environment (Protection) Act(1986) and Forest
Conservation Act; Kyoto Protocol, Carbon Credits and Carbon Footprint; United Nations
Environmental Conservation Programme (UNEP), National parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves
and Botanical gardens; Wildlife and its management, human and wild animal struggle; Seismic
activity zones; Development and environment;

Disaster Management: Definition, nature, types and classification of disasters, Natural Hazards;
Causative factors and mitigation measures; Disaster Management Act(2005), National Disaster
Management Authorities(NDMA);
Uttarakhand Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority;
earthquake, flood, cloudbrust, cyclone, tsunami, landslides, drought, etc; Factors affecting
mitigation measures; Disasters in the Uttarakhand Himalayan region and other Himalayan States.
Need of Eco- Sensitive Zones (ESZ’s) in Uttarakhand. Man made calamities- chemical and nuclear
hazards etc. Case studies of various natural and man made hazards at international, national and
uttarakhand state level and their impact. NDRF (National Disaster Response Force) and SDRF
(State Disaster Response Force).

UKPCS Mains answer writing practice (click here) 

Oracle IAS presents to you  for UKPCS Mains Answer Writing practice program.

The course is on an online mode. This means you can take this from your place and get question paper and answer copies online on our LMS. The answer discussion video will also be available online for future reference.

Please note that apart from Test series and discussion of the answers given in test series, we shall also have regular answer writing included in this programme. So for every alternate day, we shall post some questions and provide the model answers next day. In total you will have 60+ days of answer writing practice with specific types of questions and answers.

In this course, you would learn the strategies to write better answers and improve the probability of your selection. You will leard how to write answers to specific types of questions in different subjects. This is a competition and you need to stand out.  So, you will also learn which pitfalls to avoid and how to make your answer stand out from others.

Please contact us at the below mentioned number for the whole package.(Click here)

UKPCS Science notes

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  • IAS coaching in Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
  • UKPCS-UKPSC coaching in Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
  • For getting detailed feedback on your answers and improve answer writing
  • Phone Number:–9997453844
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Hemant Bhatt

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