UKPCS Mains Value Addition book

UKPCS Mains 2022: Value Addition Book

UKPCS Mains is just around the corner. Serious aspirants have been burning the midnight oil and have left no stone unturned. We are in constant touch with hundreds of students and thus understand the issues they have been facing. Oracle IAS’s constant endeavor is to innovate and compliment the efforts of the aspirants so that their UKPCS journey is smooth and without hurdles. We have come out with the following books/notes:  UKPCS Mains Value Addition

Keeping with the ‘last mile support‘ spirit and to give your preparation the final boost, Oracle IAS presents  UKPCS Mains 2022: Value Addition Book.  The following topics are part of the UK Section of the UKPCS Mains Syllabus.

Content of the UKPCS Mains 2022: Value Addition Book:

  • Prominent freedom fighters
    • Leaders from the revolt of 1857
    • Early Leaders (Constitutionalist)
    • Extremists Congress Leaders
    • Gandhians
    • Revolutionaries
    • Azad Hind Fauz soldiers
    • Praja Mandal Leaders
    • Other Leaders
  • Saint and Social Reformers of UK
  • Eminnent  personalities
  • Culture of UK
  • Growth of Education in UK
  • Social Movements of UK
  • Schedule Tribes of UK
  • Wilf Life
  • National Parks
  • Sanctuaries and other protected Areas
  • Natural Hazards and Disaster Management

UKPCS Special 2022:

  • Persons in News
  • Important Schemes of UK
  • Important data from Economic Survey 2021-22
  • Important Data from Budget 2022-23


How to order the book:

Click here to order

Sample of the book:(PS: These are just introduction page to some topics)

WhatsApp/Call  9997453844 for details


Hemant Bhatt

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